After investigating several social networking services, I think Classroom 2.0 is a good place for me to start. It is a networking group for teachers interested in Web 2.0 and Social Media in education. What really appealed to me was the fact that it welcomed “beginners.” This would be my first educational networking group and after perusing the site, I feel very comfortable to join and take advantage of the benefits of digital dialogue. I think this website would be a good starting place to begin having digital conversations with other teachers. I like how the forum posts are easy to search because of the “tags.” It also gives a long list of discussions on specific topics categorized by tools, subjects, and areas on the left side of the homepage. I noticed topics that are relevant to me such as: blogging, social networking, foreign languages, elementary, secondary or high school, and MANY MORE.
This group sounds like a good networking place for you!