Thursday, September 15, 2011

Brave New Digital Classroom

The word technology can be very daunting and scary to a teacher.  Amongst all of the standards that must be met, tests that must be passed, curriculum to teach, and classroom management to handle, technology can often be the last thing an educator thinks about incorporating into their daily instruction.  Especially without practice and experimentation integrating technology use can be frightening.  However, after reading the first chapter of Brave New Digital Classroom: Technology and Foreign Language Learning by Robert J. Blake I have realized that teachers must be BRAVE and utilize the advantages of the wide ranged world of technology.  It can literally open up a whole new world of learning!
One idea that particularly stuck out to me in the reading was how technology and computers can encourage students to use a foreign language for communication more comfortably.  It states, “In other words, computers are social actors as well, at least from the student’s perspective, which is all that really matters….Computers can make a significant contribution to the SLA process because the students themselves feel that they are interacting with a computer in a real social manner,” (Blake, p.3).  Through the use of computers and technology, students are able to use the second language with “another person,” but without the anxiousness of practicing with peers orally in a classroom.  Additionally Blake explains, “Networked exchanges seem to help all individuals in language classes engage more frequently, with greater confidence, and with greater enthusiasm in the communicative process than is characteristic for similar students in oral classrooms” (p. 5). 
 Another important idea is the ability to access learners outside of the normal constraints of the classroom via computer.   As the beginning of the chapter indicated, the hours that a person must study a language in order for acquisition to take place is an extremely large amount.  The more hours of the day that teachers are able to encourage students to use the second language, the better!  Technology allows students to practice the language at home, on lap tops, and cell phones!
Overall, the ways to use technology in second language instruction are endless.  However, “…the mere use of technology by itself will not improve the curriculum,” (p. 9).  Instead, the methodology of instruction which uses technology is the key to success! It is not the tools that will revolutionize your teaching, but the people (teachers and students) who use them.  This is extremely important to keep in mind when using technology.  Using it just to use it will not be beneficial.  There must be meaning behind every activity!

1 comment:

  1. I particularly like your ending sentence. "There must be meaning behind every activity!" That sums up good teaching with or without technology.
