This video poses a variety of key ideas dealing with today’s education and the relevance to using technology. It expresses the idea that all students learn differently and by putting a class in one room taught by one teacher, you cannot expect that everyone will learn at the same pace and remain at the same level. It is because of the diverse population of today’s schools that teachers must strive to differentiate instruction in order to meet the needs of all learners. Technology is a great tool to use in order to connect with the variety of students you will find in one classroom!
The video mentions that a classroom must reflect the real world outside of its walls. This is extremely important because technology is growing rapidly every day. Students use technology in various ways on a daily basis. If a teacher is not connecting with students through the use of technology, they are missing out on a HUGE part of their learners’ lives! This unfortunate disconnect can easily be avoided by integrating technology into classroom instruction.
Overall, I believe the message of this video is the significance of relevant teaching. In order for students to learn, an educator and their instructional strategies must be relevant to the learner. It is important that teachers put effort into learning the culture of their students and making sure they prepare them for the real world they are actually living in. A goal of educators should be to build lifelong learners. In order to do this, one must spark curiosity for learning. Technology supports and encourages these innovative teaching strategies that can interest the diverse students in today’s classrooms throughout the world!
You focused on a key word which works for all activities - relevance!